Seminars Offered

Seminars Offered
Dr. Dempsey is an experienced public speaker with half of her career and education dedicated to communication and public speaking. She has been a guest speaker and offered Continuing Education for many organizations with some of her seminars listed below. She spent three years as volunteer faculty at UCSF facilitating a course in interviewing. Dr. Dempsey was also faculty at Alliant International University through the California School of Forensic Studies, teaching doctoral level Psychology students where she was the main Assessment professor and was voted 2011 Faculty Member of the Year. Her classes there included Forensic Assessment, Cognitive Assessment, Personality Assessment, Test Design and Construction, and History and Systems. Dr. Dempsey has also offered many seminars and workshops throughout her career. If you are interested in inviting Dr. Dempsey to speak at your agency, please contact her. Below is a list of upcoming workshops and previously offered examples of CE workshops that Dr. Dempsey has provided.

Past Workshops

[accordions tabs_bgcolor=”” tabs_textcolor=”” tabs_bordercolor=”” tabs_opacity=””] [accordion title=”Introduction to the WISC-V CEU
Course designed for Mental Health Professionals”] Originally offered at Alliant University
The Wechsler system is one of the most widely used systems for identifying cognitive strengths and weaknesses. The new Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, 5th edition was released in October 2014 and has many new changes including five indices, new subtests, and new process approach calculations. This CE is meant for practitioners with some working knowledge of intelligence testing and offers hands-on practice within the training day so that everyone has time to experience the new tests in a supportive environment; in addition to including lecture and demonstration.
Who should attend the Introduction to WISC-V seminar?
Psychologists, Psychology Trainees, Psychometricians,and Supervisors [/accordion][accordion title=”The Use of Psychosexual and Psychological Evaluation in Cases of Alleged Sexual Abuse CEU
Course designed for Forensic Professionals”] Originally presented at Association of Family Conciliation Courts (AFCC)
Custody evaluators are often called upon to provide insight and recommendations to the courts, but often struggle when there are allegations of sexual abuse. This course will offer a discussion about the importance of psychological testing and psychosexual assessment in these evaluations. We will discuss what tests are utilized, their limitations and benefits, and how addition this piece can assist the evaluators and courts in deciding the best interest of the child. To learn more about this course, or to sign up, please visit:
Who should attend the seminar?
Mental Health Professionals, Child Custody Evaluators, Attorneys, Judges, Mediators, and other professionals. [/accordion][accordion title=”Introduction to Forensic Assessment and Malingering Evaluation
Course designed for Mental Health Professionals”]Originally offered at Alliant University
Forensic Assessment and Malingering Evaluation is designed to introduce clinicians to many areas of forensic psychology. Areas that will be discussed include violence risk, sex offender risk, mentally disordered offenders, not guilty be reason of insanity pleas, and personal injury assessment.
These are all areas of specialization and this course is NOT designed to substitute for adequate supervision and training in these areas, but rather to introduce the clinician interested in expanding their practice to potential areas of practice.
An emphasis will be placed on malingering assessment as it relates to many areas of evaluation and forensic report writing.
Who should attend the Introduction to Forensic Assessment Seminar?
Psychologists, Marriage and Family Therapists, Psychometricians, Counselors[/accordion][accordion title=”The Neuropsychology of Impulsive Sexual Acting Out Behavior
CEU Course designed for Mental Health Professionals”]Originally presented at California Coalition On Sexual Offending (CCOSO)

The purpose of this presentation is to discuss various neuropsychological aspects of impulsive sexual acting out behavior. Areas to be discussed will include compulsive use of pornography and indecent exposure behavior, among others. Brain development, brain injury, chronic substance dependence, and personality change due to brain injury will also be covered. The second part of this presentation will focus on evidenced and theory based treatment for impulsive sexual acting out behavior.
Who should attend the Neuropsychology of Impulsive Sexual Acting Out Seminar?
This CE is open to CCOSO members and their guests.[/accordion][accordion title=”Advances in Cognitive Assessment
CEU Course designed for Mental Health Professionals”]Originally offered at Alliant University

Cognitive assessment is an area of evaluation that can include examining intellectual functioning, academic achievement and memory ability. This is a skill-centered course designed to help working professionals add the latest cognitive assessment techniques and measures into their practice. The focus is on the concrete competencies for administering, scoring and interpreting the most up-to-date and reliable tests of intellectual functioning, academic achievement and memory ability.
Who should attend the Advances in Cognitive Assessment Seminar?
Psychologists, Counselors, Psychometricians[/accordion][accordion title=”Introduction to Neruopsychological Screening
CE Course designed for Mental Health Professionals”]Originally offered at Alliant University

Intro to Neuropsychological Screening is designed to help clinicians develop the competencies needed to administer, score and interpret the most up-to-date, reliable and valid tests or neuropsychological screening instruments. This is a skill-focused course which will help professionals with specific elements of Screenings, including differentiating symptoms of dementia from depression; learning the latest research on TBI and ADHD; evaluating basic measures of executive functioning, memory and language; and knowing when to refer clients for additional testing.
Who should attend the Introduction to Neuropsychological Screening Seminar?
Psychologists, Counselors, Psychometricians[/accordion][accordion title=”ADHD & Learning Disabilities in Correctional Settings
CE Course designed for Mental Health Professionals”]Some studies have estimated the prevalence rate for incarcerated individuals with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) to be as much as 45%; and it is estimated that approximately 60% of prison inmates meet criteria for being functionally illiterate. With this many inmates requiring extra assistance, it is imperative for anyone working in the correctional setting to be familiar with the various types of learning disabilities and the symptoms of ADHD, and best practices for treatment. The purpose of this presentation is to raise awareness as to the causes, prevalence rates, assessment, and treatment of recognized learning disabilities and ADHD, and to explore treatment options.
Who should attend the Correctional ADHD & Learning Disabilities Seminar?
This course is of value to any individual interested in working in a correctional setting. [/accordion][accordion title=”Correctional Risk Assessment
CE Course designed for Mental Health Professionals”]Between 2008 and 2009 the rate of individuals incarcerated for violent crimes climbed 60%. This course is designed to highlight safety and security in correctional settings; in addition to covering various types of risk assessments.
Who should attend the Correctional Risk Assessment seminar?
This course is of value to any individual interested in working in a correctional setting. [/accordion][accordion title=”Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
CE Course designed for Mental Health Professionals”]ADHD is thought to occur in about 3% to 5% of school aged children. For many people with ADHD, symptoms continue throughout their lifetime. Science is making great strides to further our knowledge of the causes and treatment of this sometimes debilitating disorder. This course focuses on current advances in the understanding of the neurology, development, and treatment of ADHD.
Who should attend the Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder seminar?
This course is of value to psychologists, professionals, or students that are working with or interested in learning more about individuals who have ADHD. [/accordion][accordion title=”Learning Disabilities
CE Course designed for Mental Health Professionals”]Learning Disabilities occur in at least 6% of the population. That percentage increases dramatically for inmate population in prison. This overview course focuses on current advances in the understanding of the neurology, development, and treatment of learning disabilities. Other information discussed is the socio-economic affects of LD on society.
Who should attend the Learning Disabilities seminar?
This course is of value to psychologists, professionals, or students that are working with or interested in learning more about individuals who have Learning Disabilities. [/accordion][accordion title=”Compassion Fatigue
Didactic training for Psychology Trainees and Professionals”]Compassion Fatigue; also known as Secondary Trauma Stress, or Vicarious Trauma, as described by Charles Figley; describes the process that leads to burnout, including physical, emotional, and mental symptoms. This course includes how to identify it, potential theoretical causes, prevention, and treatment.
Who should attend the Compassion Fatigue seminar?
This course is of value to anyone in a caregiving profession, including but not limited to: mental health professionals, health professionals, teachers, emergency medical workers, and crisis providers.[/accordion][accordion title=”Forensic Assessment
Advanced training in psychological assessment for Licensed Clinicians”]Forensic Assessment focuses specifically on the areas of testing and evaluation for court-mandated individuals. It includes substance abuse assessment, risk assessment, violence risk assessment, sex offender risk assessment, potential for recidivism, mentally disordered offender evaluations, condemned inmate evaluations, competency evaluations, custody evaluations, parent assessments, and any other evaluations which may be mandated by the court.
Who should attend the Forensic Assessment seminar?
This course is of value to psychologists, professionals, or students working with or interested in working in a forensic position.[/accordion][accordion title=”Forensic Report Writing
Didactic training for Psychology Trainees and Professionals”]Training for Forensic Report Writing includes specific reports needed for legal settings; including reports generated for attorneys, courts, judges, probation/parole officers, and other members of the legal system.
Who should attend the Forensic Report Writing seminar?
This course is of value to psychologists, professionals, or students just entering the forensic field.[/accordion][accordion title=”Advances in Neuropsychology
CE course designed for Mental Health Professionals”]Neuropsychology is the study of brain and behavior. This introductory course covers an introduction to Neuropsychology; including what the field of Neuropsychology encompasses and who it benefits. A brief overview of what neuropsychological assessments and reports entail. Topics touched upon include traumatic brain injuries, developmental delays, learning disabilities, aging, and dementia.
Who should attend the Advances in Neuropsychology seminar?
This course is of value to psychologists, professionals, or students that are working with or interested in learning more about the field of Neuropsychology.[/accordion][accordion title=”Domestic Violence
CE course designed for Mental Health Professionals”]Training will cover the cycle of violence, theories behind it, current research on treatment and prevention.
Who should attend the Domestic Violence seminar?
This course is of value to psychologists, professionals, students, or individuals that are working with or interested in learning how to resolve and prevent domestic violence situations.[/accordion][accordion title=”Understanding Substance Abuse Issues
CE course designed for Legal Professionals”]This course covers theories of substance abuse and dependencies, including causes, prevention, and treatment. Also covered are the neurological and physiological effects of chemical dependency.
Who should attend the Understanding Substance Abuse Issues seminar?
This course is of value to psychologists, professionals, students, or individuals that are working with or interested in learning more about how to prevent and handle substance abuse.[/accordion][accordion title=”New Directions
Course presenting manual developed for group therapy for Sex Industry Workers”]This non-biased harm reduction treatment model was developed by Dr. Dempsey’s for working with Sex Industry workers. This seminar includes demographics for sex industry workers, current studies on global impact of the sex industry, as well as details on the treatment model.
Who should attend the New Directions seminar?
This course is of value to psychologists, professionals, students, or individuals that are working with or in the sex industry.[/accordion][/accordions]

Dr. Dempsey has also taught an Ethics course about Record Keeping for the CDCR which she can teach to those who have need of this specialized information.